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Not long ago, however, evolutionary biologists(进化生物学家) studied fish in the waters near the Inca River. The results surprised biologists: the turbulence is fatal to all living organisms, including fish, but it also breeds a number of new species of fish. For now, researchers have determined by DNA differences that Inca turbulence has spawned(孕育) at least four new species of fish. The world’s largest and most deadly turbulence, is also the living water of life, is the cradle of new life.

Our life is just like this. People like peace, But the undisturbed river of life, at best, lives in a group of conservative(保守的) and entrenched(顽固的) people. In the turbulence of life, those who do not think about change and are used to a stable(稳定的) life usually be defeated(击败). Those who have the courage to face challenge and setbacks will have a transformation and development beyond themselves. Su Tongpo said:” The things originally develop change in calmness, however, there’re also things seeking calmness in danger.” The change here is being in danger or death. “seeking calmness in danger”, or seeking change in danger, This is great wisdom(智慧) and courage, it’s very difficult for the average person to have.

[From Duan Qiqing’s article from Mind and Wisdom ]