





根据水的密度,我们不难得出,在北方,1平方米面积上,8~10 毫米的积雪的质量\[m=\rho Sh=1000\times 1\times 0.001=1\rm (kg)\],那么100平方米面积上8~10毫米的积雪就重100公斤;在南方,100 平方米面积上6~8毫米的积雪也就重100公斤。





On the morning of January 4, several bus platforms in Hefei, Anhui province were crushed(压塌) by snow, had causing many casualties(伤亡). There are also a lot of factories, sheds, vegetable market had been collapsed(压塌) by the snow. Why the soft snow have such power?

Snow is a natural phenomenon(现象) which water congeal(凝结) in the air and then falls, it has weight. In order to let you understand, let’s count the weight of snow from precipitation(降水量).

Normally, In the northern China, 8 to 10 millimeters snow in 1 square meter amounts to 1 millimeter precipitation; but in the southern China, 6 to 8 millimeters snow in 1 square meter amounts to one millimeter. In the same thickness, the snow in the south is heavier than the north.

According to the density(密度) of the water , It’s not hard to figure out, in the north, 1 square meter of 8 to 10 millimeters snow is\[m=\rho Sh=1000\times 1\times 0.001=1\rm (kg)\] So 100 square meters of 8 to 10 millimeters snow weighs 100 kilograms. In the south, 100 square meters of 6 to 8 millimeters snow weighs 100 kilograms.

In addition, the wetter the snow is, the easier it sticks together; Dry snow likes sand, is looser(蓬松的) and less sticky. The temperature in the south is not very low, So the snow is not so dry, there’s all wet snow, The wet snow is easier to pile up(堆积) on the building and not to slide down.

It’s not just the weight of the snow to let the platform down, but the building also needs to think about the pressure. In our country’s building design, the maximum pressure buildings can held is the maximum ground snowfall in 30 years. Generally, the north is prone to suffer from snow disasters, so designer in the north usually consider snow pressure. Some temporary(临时的) buildings such as greenhouses in the southern part of the country that do not have heavy snow seldom consider the snow pressure. As a result, the wet snow was so heavy that crushed the building.

According to the China Meteorological Administration, a flat roof of 100 square meters will bear more than 3 to 5 tons of snow if the snow is one Chi (333 mm) thick.

[According to Deng Qi and Dai Xuan’s article on January 15’s New Peking and China Technology]