


人民日报利物浦2月10日电  2月9日,由英国利物浦国家博物馆和陕西省文物局合作举办的“秦始皇和兵马俑展”在利物浦世界博物馆开幕,展品包括兵马俑和陶器、青铜器、金银器、玉器等秦汉时期珍贵文物。这是兵马俑第五次来到英国,却是首次来到利物浦。博物馆刚宣布该展览计划,便引起了广泛关注。据博物馆统计,目前已预售门票超过10万张,预计参观人数超过45万人。展览将持续至10月28日。



LIVERPOOL, Feb. 10 (People’s Daily) –  On February 9th, the exhibition “China’s First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors” organized by the National Museum of Liverpool and the Shanxi Cultural Heritage Bureau had opened in Liverpool’s World Museum.  The exhibits includes the Terracotta Warriors and valuable treasures in the Qin and Han dynasties suah as potteries(陶瓷), bronzes(青铜器), golds, silvers, jades(玉器), etc. It was the fifth time that the Terracotta Warriors arrive in the UK, but it was the first time they come to Liverpool. As soon as the museum announced this plan, it drew wide concern(关注). According to the museum, until now there were more than 100,000 tickets have been sold and more than 450,000 visitors will visit this exhibition. The exhibition will be held until October 28.

Previously, the Terracotta Warriors had been exhibited in Britain four times – in Edinburgh, 1985, in London, 1987, 1999 and 2007. British audiences(观众) are fascinated by the Terracotta Warriors, especially during the 2007’s British museum’s exhibition, which attracted(吸引) 850,000 visitors. The British Museum has braked the record for beening most visited since the Tutankhamun’s exhibition in 1972.

The purpose of the exhibition is to make the Terracotta Warriors an ambassador(使者) for Chinese culture and to provide a chance for British audiences to communicate with China “face to face”. Liu xiaoming, China’s ambassador to the UK, said at the opening of the exhibition: “I hope that the British people will be able to explore the history of China, appreciate the charm(魅力) of ancient Chinese culture, and also deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese ideas and cultural heritage(遗产).”