


新华社北京2月9日电 中国空军新闻发言人申进科大校2月9日发布消息,中国自主研制的新一代隐身战斗机歼-20,开始列装空军作战部队,向全面形成作战能力迈出重要一步。




BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) – On 9 Feb, the senior colonel Shen Jinke, spokesperson(发言人) of the Chinese PLA Air Force, confirmed that China’s domestically developed stealth fighter jet, J-20, has begun to be commissioned for the Air Force’s frontline combat units, this.is the new step toward our goal of creating battle ability comprehensively(全面地).

The J-20 fighter jet took part in the Zhuhai International Air Show in November 2016 and made its first public flight demonstration(演示,缩写为demo). In July 2017, it took part in the celebration of the 90th anniversary(周年纪念日) of the PLA and appeared in battle(作战) mode. It marks a new step in the air force’s goal of integrating aviation and space power, striking and defensing.

After the J-20 were delivered(交付) to the air force, the actual(实战) training began gradually, and the flight talents grew steadily(稳定地). It played an important role in the air force’s Hongjian 2017 manoeuvres(演习), also laid the foundation(基础) for the improvement of the new capability of the air force.

A spokesman of the air force said the air force is moving toward a modern strategic(战略性的) military that can fight in the whole territory(疆域), becoming an important force in maintaining situations, managing crises and preventing and winning wars. The equip of J-20 will further increase the overall capability of the air force and help the air force to better shoulder the sacred(神圣的) mission of preserving national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity(保卫主权、安全及领土完整).