
SpaceX 成功发射猎鹰号重型火箭

摘自 businessinsider.com

本周二,SpaceX 公司成功发射了该公司最大的“猎鹰”号重型火箭。这次发射对马斯克(SpaceX CEO)及私人太空探测的未来都是一次伟大的胜利。



SpaceX launched its Falcon Heavy rocket(猎鹰重型火箭) — the company’s biggest — into space on Tuesday. The event was a huge win for Musk and the future of private space exploration(私人航天探测).

Falcon Heavy left the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 3:45 p.m. ET after some delays. The rocket planned to carry Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster(特斯拉跑车) out to Mars orbit(轨道) — though it managed to exceed Mars’ orbit and continue on into the Asteroid Belt.

Falcon Heavy’s successful liftoff(发射) could disrupt(扰乱) the launch(发射) industry, as the system’s 134-foot-tall boosters(助推器) can land themselves to be reused. Other rocket boosters on the market today are discarded(丢弃) after launch.