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大家都应该听说过软盘这种东西,最先进的大概是3.5英寸软盘,容量1.44MB。就是这种现在连一首MP3都存不下的介质,装载着MS DOS打开了计算机的新世界。而这种东西,也早早退出了历史舞台,大概现在只有90后还见过它了。


1971年 Alan Shugart推出一种直径8英寸的表面涂有金属氧化物的塑料质磁盘,这就是我们常说的标准软盘的鼻祖,但容量只有81KB。

1976 年,Alan Shugart 推出了直径为 5.25 英寸的软盘,刚推出时储存容量也仅为 360 KB ,随着技术的成熟,最大容量可达 1.2 MB ,软盘也开始渐渐普及起来。


1980 年索尼推出了 3.5 英寸的软盘和软驱,尺寸变小,容量也变大为 1.44 MB ,不过 3.5 英寸软盘刚推出的时候,市面上的主流依然是 5.25 英寸软盘。




Everyone has this question: why the computer’s system disk is C:, not A:? To answer this question, we need to see the history and look at those products that have been eliminated(淘汰) by history and technology – the floppy disk.

Historically, A: is 3.5-inch floppy disk and B: is 5.25-inch floppy disk, which its capacity is less than 2MB has been washed out.

Everyone must have heard of the floppy disk, the most advanced version is 3.5-inch floppy disk with a capacity of 1.44MB. This kind of disk that can’t even save an MP3 song now, but carried MS DOS and open the new world of computers. And it also exited the historical stage early, maybe only post-90s(九零后) know it now.

In 1967, IBM came out a 32-inch floppy disk that was about the size of a bus wheel.

In 1971 Alan Shugart invented a plastic disk which was 8 inches wide and coated with metal oxide. This is what we often call a standard floppy disk, but with a capacity of only 81KB.

In 1976, Alan Shugart launched a 5.25-inch floppy disk. At the beginning, the capacity is only 360 KB, with more mature(成熟的) technology, the maximum capacity can reach 1.2 MB, floppy disk also began gradually popularized.


In 1980, SONY launched a 3.5-inch floppy disk and driver, the disc had a smaller size and a larger capacity of 1.44 MB, but when the disc was launched, the most popular disc size was still 5.25-inch.


Floppy disks have to be formatted before use. After this process, the disk will be divided into several tracks, each track is divided into several sectors, 512 bytes stored per sector. The tracks is a set of concentric circles, the width of one track is about a few millimeters and the data is stored on these tracks. A 1.44M floppy disk with 80 tracks, each with 18 sectors, can store data on both sides.

Today, floppy disks have been replaced by CD and USB, but the role of floppy disk in computer history has been recorded in history, which is remembered by whole world. And this is the charm of technology.