
Andrew Fisher 打破环球飞行世界纪录

摘自微信公众号 航空物语


2018年1月23日清晨,新西兰人 Andrew Fisher 在上海浦东机场完成了环球飞行。他用时52小时34分,飞越了41476公里,创造了新的用时最短搭乘定期商业航班环球飞行纪录。

Andrew 是个狂热航空爱好者,任职于阿联酋阿提哈德航空公司,担任负责航线规划的职务。17岁开始,他就计划挑战这一世界纪录,从那时开始,他就开始不断充实自己,研究相关知识,并努力工作,积累资金,为梦想而奋斗。

他的旅程从上海开始,经过奥克兰,布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿姆斯特丹,最后回到上海。在起飞前,Andrew 完成了一系列的认证工作,包括在候机楼拍照,签署认证文件,用GPS软件纪录打点等,这一切都是为了纪录的严谨,公正。

起飞后11小时30分后,他到达了新西兰的奥克兰。2小时后,他登上了飞往阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的航班,在茫茫的太平洋上空又飞行了11小时30分钟,在当地时间1月21日15:45,他到达了上海在地球上的对点。不到1小时,他又马不停蹄地赶往阿姆斯特丹。13小时后,飞机正点到达荷兰。在阿姆斯特丹,他登上了回程的东航航班,中国的土地,在11小时的那一头等待着他。值得一提的是,几天前,中国刚刚开放机上电子产品的使用,Andrew 便在回程航班上试用了机上互联网,此程首次在机上发布了照片。我国航空公司借这次Andrew挑战纪录的机会,在全世界面前展示了领先互联网航企的形象。

当被问及行程结束后有什么想法,Andrew 说,这次成功的环球飞行说明,上海就是世界的十字路口,从这里出发可以方便抵达任何地方,哪怕目的地远在地球的另一端。

You may have read Around The World in 80 Days, the leading character finished travelling around the world in 80 days. Modern transportation is more convenient, and people can easily travel from place to place. With planes, it is possible to travel around the earth in three days.

On the morning of January 23, 2018, a New Zealanders Andrew Fisher completed the flight around the world at Shanghai Pudong Airport. He covered the distance of 41,476 kilometers in 52 hours and 34 minutes. He has created a new world record for the fastest circumnavigation by scheduled flights through approx antipodal points(大约对拓点).

Andrew is an aficionado(发烧友) of aviation, he serves in the Etihad Airways and is in charge of airline planning. At the age of 17, he planned to challenge the world record. From then on, he began to improve himself to learn related(相关的) knowledge, work hard to accumulate(积累) money, and fight for his dream.

His journey began in Shanghai, through Auckland, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, and finally back to Shanghai. Before taking off, Andrew completed a series of certification(认证) tasks, including taking photos in the terminal building, signing the certification documents, and using GPS APP to record the location. All these were done to make the record serious and fair.

He arrived in Auckland, New Zealand.11 hours after taking off. Two hours later, he boarded the flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina, after flying over the Pacific for 11 hours and 30 minutes, in the local time January 21, he arrived in the antipodal point to Shanghai on the earth. Within an hour, he was on his way to Amsterdam. Thirteen hours later, the plane arrived in Netherlands(荷兰). In Amsterdam, he boarded the flight back to China, the land of China, was waiting for him at the end of 11 hours. It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, China just allowed the usage of electronic products on the airplane, and Andrew tried the Internet access on the return flight, which he first published photos on the plane. With the opportunity of Andrew’s challenge, our airline company has shown the image of leading Internet airline companies in front of the world.

When Andrew was asked what he thought when the trip ends, he said, the successful flight around the world shows that Shanghai is the crossroad of the world, from here we can reach any place, even if the destination is on the other side of the earth.